Saturday, June 18, 2011

Pirates, Granola, and Fava Beans

Wow. Seems like forever since I have written.

Had a pretty relaxing work week. Our current them is Pirates and Explorers so it's been fun transforming our dramatic play area.


All week we've talked about different explorers and will be having a treasure hunt next week. 

I love the summer.

I also got to go grocery shopping and.... (drum roll please)...........    the Mister came too!!!!!

Most of the time I like shopping by myself because I like not be rushed when looking at labels and looking at new products. But to be honest, I loved that he came. We have pretty different schedules so I hate spending time shopping that I could be with him before he leaves.

We filled the Forester pretty much to the max (had to pick up some things for work as well) so we had an extra large load.

didn't even bring enough reusable bags... fail.

managed to fill the fridge until it was busting at the seams

Besides pirates and groceries... not too much has been going on.

I did manage to make Julie's Peanut Butter Granola... with a few subs. (in bold)

  • 2 tbsp peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup (instead of honey)
  • generous shakes of cinnamon
  • 1 c oats (added 1/2 c at a time)
  • vanilla (I didn't use any because I forgot about it but do think it would be yummy)

  • Mix together peanut butter, maple syrup, and cinnamon
  • Add ~1/2 oats and combine and then other 1/2 and mix thoroughly
  • Spray cookie sheet with evoo and spread granola mixture evenly (mine kind of naturally balled up so I began clumping to create "chunks" of granola
  • bake 375degree F for ~10 minutes
Keep you eyes on this! You may need to bake longer but make sure you don't burn it.


Along with granola baking I've also conquered the elusive fava beans that came in my veggie box last week. 

this is what they look like

pop those bad boys open at the seam

you'll see beautiful beans laying in a bed of fuzzies inside

boil beans for ~5 minutes in salted water

ice bath, yo.

after cool, pinch waxy skin off fava bean and remove

super easy to do

do this for your entire batch

 add to your favorite salad or dish and enjoy

They were delicious! My first time cooking them and definitely worth the extra little effort of cooking and peeling.

Before I go I wanted to share my beautiful produce from this weeks veggie box!

We ate 95% of the fruit within 2 days... love love love summer produce.

What is your favorite summer fruit/veggie?
Do you like going grocery shopping alone or with a buddy?