Monday, June 13, 2011

There's gold in them there hills...

So the Mister and I were asked if we could look over a gold mine last night while the family went out of town.

I never thought I'd ever type a sentence like that out before. "Property sit" a gold mine? Who does that?

I do. That's who. My life is full of random moments.

In actuality, we are friends with the family that owns it and the Mister is helping them out this summer until August  when he will be going back to Atlanta. Yeah, we might actually be living on opposite of a continent for the next year. But again, another time for another post.

Anyways, we were asked to "property sit" for a night and I was prepared to take countless pictures of everything "for the blog." I'm a camera-whore through and through. 

With that warning... this post is picture heavy. Instead of me writing, I'll let the photos do the talking.

Is it crazy that we didn't get done with this hike until 10:30p and it was still this light outside. It's summer in Alaska for sure.

Random Picture of the Day:
Went to grab a towel and water before doing a yoga video. 

This may sound random but has anyone hiked the John Muir Trail? The Mister and I were looking at it and it seems like an amazing experience. 
Random Question of the Day (RQOD): What is your favorite kind of jelly? I love my grandma's strawberry preserves but if I'm eating a pb&j it has to be grape.