Sunday, June 12, 2011

Vacation Mode

So, its over. It's officially over.

It only took me a whole month to get in my mind that vacation is over. 

The past 30 days I have:
  • eaten whatever I wanted (read 2 cliffbars back-to-back, countless havarti cheese slices right before bed, bowls and bowls of cereal.)
  • went a few half-assed runs
  • left my yoga mat rolled up and collecting dust
  • made no effort in getting in any kind of movement before work
After this month do you know what?

My body feels old...  not to mention my jeans are getting tighter.

So with that said... vacation is officially over.


In other news, I tried a new taco seasoning and made a pseudo 'Quinoa Taco Bowl' last night that was delicious! 

What you need:

  • 1 can of beans (I used black beans)
  • 2 peppers
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 packet taco seasoning (I used a new-to-me seasoning Nueva Cocina)
  • oil (I used EVOO)
  • tomato sauce (unpictured...oops!)
  • 1 can corn (can used fresh)
  • 1 avacado (topping)
  • greek yogurt or sour cream (I used 0% Fage)
  • shredded cheese (topping- didn't use but thought about it after)
  • quinoa (can use rice, couscous, or potatoes too)

I used the Chipotle Taco seasoning for this meal

  • Sautee your onion until translucent and then add pepper for a few minutes.

  • I usually do my own thing in the kitchen so I deviated from the taco seasoning directions. It called for water and tomato paste. I didn't have tomato paste so I just added some water (didn't measure probably ~1/4-1/2 cup water) and ~1/2 cup pasta sauce and sprinkled in the taco spices.

  • I then realized that I needed some color variation so I threw in some canned corn.

Quinoa Taco Bowl

I just scooped some quinoa in a bowl and ladled the taco mixture over. I topped my bowl with avocado slices and greek yogurt.

This was delicious and filling. The Mister had 2 huge plates. 

You could definitely top with any traditional taco toppings (shredded cheese, olives, or salsa). 

Because the summer is pretty short here (and the rest of the country is under a severe heat wave) I decided to  eat my lunches outside on our picnic tables whenever weather permits.

I'm also trying to get a short run in (~2mi) every other day at work (MWF)

On the run

Picnic lunch after my run

sliced peach + salad (spinach + quinoa+ cucumber + kidney beans + chia seeds + mushrooms)

Tonight, the Mister and I were asked to "house sit" an old gold mine property while the owners go out of town.

Yeah, I'm serious.

Anyone else kind of in a fitness/eating "vacation"? 
How do you get yourself back on track after some time off?
Have you ever been gold mining?