Friday, May 20, 2011

Veggie Box Wednesday II

...2 days late.

Wow... so relieved the week is coming to an end.

I felt so tired this whole week. I'm assuming it's because my sleep has been out of whack because of vacation for 2 weeks.

I also had Parent-Teacher conferences all week.... It's the end of the year so that means assessments, conferences, and tons of forms.

I lacked in blogging and missed posting Veggie Box Wednesday so without further adieu..

The goods: cabbage, white sweet corn, beets, ruby grapefruit, blood oranges, navel oranges, avocados, green bell peppers, zucchini, strawberries, cremini mushrooms, baby spinach

3 beets weighed 1.5lbs!

Next time you see these bad boys, they'll have grilled marks all over them. Stay tuned...

I'm going to go dig into this bowl of yum and snuggle with the pup.

Chobani peach yogurt, kirkland's pb, crumbled pb cookie larabar, and a splash of milk

mmmmm. Happy Friday.

What are you looking forward to this weekend? Any other teachers out there feeling the pressure?